Empower The People and Reject Oligarchy!
Join the movement by actively opting out of the profit-driven economy and choosing to prioritize people over profits!
Join us in solidarity and Unite in Resistance!
Join us on Substack or BlueSky for updates on the movement and learn how you can take action to help drive change!
Join the Movement
General strike + Shutdown315
Join our movement of economic non-participation and prioritize people over corporate interests in America.
Collective Action Boycotts
Stand united in demanding that the government serve the people, not just corporations and the elites. Boycott corporations and their billionaire CEOs who continue to amass power and control over every aspect of our lives. Limit your spending as much as possible, and redirect your resources toward supporting local businesses, self-reliance, and community initiatives. By building these alternatives, we can amplify the impact of this economic boycott and create lasting change that benefits everyone.
People Over Profits
Take part in protests and sit-ins that demand a government that prioritizes the needs of its citizens over the interests of corporations and their billionaire CEOs. It’s time to make our voices heard and demand real change. We must stand firm in our fight against oligarchy and a government that serves the powerful few. Our collective action is the only way to shift the balance of power back to the people. Every action, no matter how small, helps build the momentum we need. Stay UNITED IN RESISTANCE and show that we will not be silenced!
Take part in protests and sit-ins that demand a government that prioritizes the needs of its citizens over the interests of corporations and their billionaire CEOs. It’s time to make our voices heard and demand real change. We must stand firm in our fight against oligarchy and a government that serves the powerful few. Our collective action is the only way to shift the balance of power back to the people. Stay UNITED IN RESISTANCE and show that we will not be silenced!
Join Our Movement
We are in this together. No longer will the government take away our rights, our healthcare, our freedom because it favors their wallets or the wallets of their puppeteers. Click the link below to see our letter to congress with our demands...
Alex R.
There are numerous things to do, but tackle one thing at a time. This is marathon, not a sprint. We are looking for a long economic shutdown this time, not a one day event. So this list will give you the steps to take action with.
History repeats itself. We can use lessons from our past to influence our actions today. See how past movements are influencing our movement today.
History is being written now! How do you wish to be remembered?
Join us below: Substack, Bluesky, & Telegram
Join us in solidarity, and Unite in Resistance!